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Quincy Covid Memories

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Inspiration on Hospital Hill

Made by neighborhood children

Sidewalk chalk art

Thanking the QPD, healthcare workers, EMTs and everyone who is working during this pandemic

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I can't afford the ticket way home

Usually the normal price is around $1000, most of the time, I can have it around $400.


Quiet train station

I have never seen Wollaston train station parking lot so empty.

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Fear behind a mask

This is a self portrait of my emotions during Covid-19


Abandoned swings

It is amazing to see how even a small swing set is off limits during this pandemic.

Quincy peaceful vigil and the QPD

I only happened to be behind these two awesome officers bc I was struggling to find something to…

All masked

A stuffed animal with a mask on, symbolizing the necessity of having a mask.

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My Geo-stones in public places

Geo-stones, May 2020.JPG
About two months ago I took a cue from the numerous friendly rocks that kids have been painting and…

Solidarity action in community

Solidarity Action.jpeg
Food aid for needy people who lost their jobs

COVID-19 updates

This photo was taken over a month ago. The playlist includes a lot of videos including information…

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An empty and lonely school parking lot

north parking lot .jpg
North Quincy High School

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Empty shelves

empty shelves .jpg
South Shore Plaza


Deserted parking lot

mall parking lot .jpg
As you can see Coronavirus quickly left very empty and almost deserted parking lots. This one…

Front line husband

This is my husband who works in front line. I took pictures of him leaving the house for work every…