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Quincy Covid Memories

The Kindness Rocks Project (on Wollaston Beach)


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The Kindness Rocks Project (on Wollaston Beach)



In mid-April, I took a walk down to Wollaston Beach to find some peace as the pandemic was hitting hard. From the corner of my eye, I noticed some colors in the sand. I walked over to find a small "rock garden" with a plaque inviting people to share personal messages of inspiration. I cried. It was just what I needed in the moment. The rock garden has grown considerably and I've tried to spread the word so that people can add to it, too. I added my own message on a dark rock with a white heart, "Choose Hope". The picture attached here is the one I most recently took on May 21, 2020. I am not sure who it was that began this supportive and caring project, but I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart. I am an art therapist by profession and have been doing telehealth for months now in my home. It is hard to be isolated, but I am grateful for my job, my ability to keep supporting my clients, and my health. Thank you again to the Kindness Rocks Project founder! Your small act of kindness and love has resonated with so many and I, for one, am very grateful! Stay safe, be well, go gently!


Smith, Linda


2020 April-May


Smith, Linda


Smith, Linda, “The Kindness Rocks Project (on Wollaston Beach),” #QuincyCovidMemories, accessed July 3, 2024,