Contribute Materials
Share Your Story
Use the form at the bottom of this page to submit your unique contributions to the project.
We encourage you to submit items that best reflect what you would like to share about life in the times of the Covid-19 pandemic. We welcome journal entries, stories, art, remembrances, poems, photos, images, videos, and brief audio files, too! We encourage you to participate in those ways that are most meaningful and relevant to you!
Please note, the upload size limit for contributions is 250 MB.
If you wish to mail in your submission, please send to:
Thomas Crane Library
Attn. Local History
40 Washington Street
Quincy, MA 02169
Please include a title, description, creation date, the creator's full name, your full name, and your contact information with all mailed-in submissions.
Be informed before you contribute! Please make sure to read the full Terms and Conditions.