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Quincy Covid Memories

He is so far away and I miss him beyond any words!




He is so far away and I miss him beyond any words!



Mazin is my heart. This past February he turned 4 years old. For the first 2.5 years of his life I along with his Mommy and Daddy cared for him exclusively here in Quincy, MA. He had no one else here to comfort, nourish, care for and love him. Just three adult friends welcoming this wonder of wonder, miracle of miracles into this crazy world. As I do not have children of my own I instantly bonded with this tiny little boy who needed us to be there for him to meet all of his daily needs. He is a gift that completes me in so many ways. The unconditional love I have for him was instantaneous. A feeling like no other! Every second spent with him was more joyous than the one before. When he slept on my chest in my arms I just knew all was right with the world!

He is now very far from me. He is surrounded by his parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, many cousins and school friends. He is thriving and so happy. This of course makes me happy. However, there is also great sadness in my heart.

His parents and I made a pact just before they departed Quincy, MA for Saudi Arabia. We promised one another to share many emails, photos and video exchanges. Thankfully, we have lived up to that promise. We also agreed to meet up in some part of the world at least once a year. To be in each others presence. Two years ago we met in Dubai. There is nothing like the hug you receive from a child who you haven't seen in a while! These are the moments needed to nourish my heart.

Well, since the COVID 19 has hit the world we now know that it may be a year or two if not longer before we can be together again. It is especially hard as we missed last year's visit due to a other unavoidable issues. There is no one to blame and I am lucky I am alive. I continue my connection with him, his new brother Mohamed and his parents via the net. But I am still very sad. Sad to think I can not hold my Godson in my arms anytime soon. This is what the virus has taken from me. I am alive and I am grateful but selfishly I just want to hold Mazin once again. But, he is so far away! PS Mazin and I spent MANY hours in the Children's section of The Thomas Crane Library! He LOVED his time there. That memory fills my heart and brings a smile to my face.


McDonald, Jr., John F.


2020 May 5


McDonald, Jr., John F.


McDonald, Jr., John F., “He is so far away and I miss him beyond any words!,” #QuincyCovidMemories, accessed September 21, 2024,